Tag Archives: McCain

John McCain – Gangsta Candidate

The McCain campaign is apparently attempting to appeal to a younger crowd during these last few weeks of the election.  The parental advisory is what made me laugh out loud.  Here is an example (I thought this was funny – there are actually several at Cracked.com):


What if the Candidates were Phones? – Asks Babs Winfrey-King

I’m going to sound like a mix of Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, and Larry King:

If the presidential and vice-presidential candidates were phones, what kind of phones would they be?  This was posted at Paul Gregoire’s blog and I think it’s really funny.  What do you think? (asks Babs Winfrey-King):


Sarah Palin – Vice President Barbie

I don’t necessarily dislike her, this is more about McCain (click on the picture for a moving version):

Obama and McCain Laugh It Up (well, sort of…)

The picture below seems to depict the emotions Obama and McCain have likely experienced this week.  The photographer caught it at just the right moment (in 2006).

Democrats Apparently Nominate McCain at Republican Convention

As Ronald Reagan would have said, “Well, there you go…”

I generally avoid politics.  I vote quietly (and early and often – old joke).  I saw this at Atypical Musings and Musings and it made me laugh.  Who would have thought you could include both of the dominant American political parties in one celebration?

CNN apparently made a bit of a mistake during the Republican National Convention.  See if you can find it: