Tag Archives: Obama

Obama’s Fixer-upper

While President-Elect Obama is sorting out his cabinet, he also must prepare for the extensive remodeling of America. 

This ran in the newspaper not too long after the election, but it seems appropriate to resurrect it this month:


Now on DVD and Blu-ray – Grumpier Old Men (Barack O, Joe B, and Hillary C)

Obama and Biden (with Hillary looking on, just waiting her turn) – what a lineup!  I stumbled across this and thought it funny.

Since I focused on John McCain with my last post and pick on Sarah Palin so often, it seems that it’s time to give equal attention to the other candidates:


What if the Candidates were Phones? – Asks Babs Winfrey-King

I’m going to sound like a mix of Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, and Larry King:

If the presidential and vice-presidential candidates were phones, what kind of phones would they be?  This was posted at Paul Gregoire’s blog and I think it’s really funny.  What do you think? (asks Babs Winfrey-King):


Obama and McCain Laugh It Up (well, sort of…)

The picture below seems to depict the emotions Obama and McCain have likely experienced this week.  The photographer caught it at just the right moment (in 2006).